Feb 7, 2009

How To Shop For A Guy.

Women finding it hard to shop? Yes, its true. Quite often one of the hardest things for us to shop for is gifts for a man. I personally think that the difficulty arises because guys are (generally) not very talkative about things they would like... except for the expensive sports cars out of our price range! We generally have a good idea of the expensive things they would like, and a general idea of other products they would be interested in, such as tools, but not a lot of knowledge about which one of those products would be useful to the guy.

To help with this dilemma, I have compiled a list of tips to help you shop for your guy.

Most women tend to give subtle hints about things they would like year around. It may sound sexist, but its true! It’s just the way we are. Guys on the other hand, tend to be more closed about these things, but on the other hand, are much more open and honest when being asked directly.

Simple tip 1: Come out and ask him directly what kinds of gifts he would like. He will either tell you that you don’t have to get him anything (grr!) Or, he will immediately tell you his thoughts. If he goes for the first option, well, then your in the same place you started and it didn’t hurt to ask!

If you want to be more nonchalant about it, mention that his birthday is coming up. Perhaps joke around and say “Your birthday is coming up…too bad I can’t afford to get you that Porsche you’ve always wanted.” Chances are, he will laugh and offer some alternatives.

Simple Tip #2: Watch him at the mall. Generally, guys don’t go to the mall unless it is for something they need. However, they will generally stop and check a product out if it catches their interests. Keep your eyes open and watch carefully to see if he lingers over products or stops quickly to check the price of something.

Simple Tip #3: Think about his style and personality. Is he a sports fan? Chances are his gift interests would be in the sports area. Is he more of the computer nerd type? Check out the latest gadgets and computer accessories.

Simple Tip #4: Basic gifts. Generally, guys don’t mind getting things they need as gifts. Many women would find it insulting if you bought her a new toaster to replace the old one, but guys appreciate gifts they can use. If you notice your guys slacks are worn out, check the size and grab him some new ones. A gift certificate to a clothing store would also work well.

Simple Tip #5: Calculate cost with usefulness. While he may appreciate a decorative gift that shows off his interest or style, if it is very expensive your best bet may be to go with something more personalized and sentimental. Why spend a lot of money on something that will just gather dust?

Think of something that is meaningful to him and useful. If your guy is into sailing, find him a compass with his initials engraved on it. While compasses aren’t used often, he would have fun using it on the boat, and appreciate the thoughtfulness of the gift.

As always, if all else fails. Let me know and I will work with you to come up with some thoughtful gifts within your budget and time-frames. You can use the link to the right of my blog to e-mail me directly.

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