Feb 10, 2009

Creative Things To Write In A Valentines Day Card

Are you the type of person who gets stuck when it comes to what to write in a card? Don't worry, you're not alone. Many of us have lots of thoughts of what to write in our head, but as soon as the pen hits the paper, your mind goes blank.

Here are some suggestions you can use this holiday to make your card remembered.

First, it is always a good idea to have a nice card. If you haven't picked one up Pear Tree Greetings offers many interesting and unique greeting cards.

If you already have a card, or plan on getting one from your local grocery store. Here are some tips to spark your creativity.

Pick up a pack of matches. You can usually find these for free at a nearby gas station. Tape or glue the patches inside the card and write "There are definitely sparks between us!" or "You light my fire". A little cheesy but it will make them grin and the originality will be appreciated.

Another sweet one liner, is reminding her or him of the fact that you care about them regardless of a holiday telling them you should Write something like "I don't need a holiday to show you I love you" You can replace "Love you with care/care about you" depending on your circumstances.

Many people stumble of the signature line. Do you write "I love you", "love", "sincerely" or....

If you get stuck on whether or not to write 'I love you', then don't. You are obviously uncomfortable with using that term in the early stages of your relationship, or haven't officially said the "L Word" yet. If this is the case, skip it. It makes you uncomfortable, it might make the situation awkward.

Some great signatures without using the infamous "L" word are:

Warm wishes
Thinking of you
Glad to be with someone so great
You're valentine/any nicknames you have for each other

If you are stuck on content for the card, famous quotes are always nice. Especially if they are well thought out. If you know his/her favorite authors, try searching for quotes by them. You can also use meaningful lyrics from songs they like. Then, each time they hear the song they will remember your card.

Another original idea is instead of writing something, doodle a small picture. Even if you have no artistic skill, and draw stick figures this can be incredibly sweet and cute. You can draw a picture of you both together, watching the sunset, holding a heart, a teddy bear or a number of things. This is a really thoughtful way to get your feelings across without actually writing or saying them.

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